Could you find out in under 7 seconds?
That's what we do. And we need your help to do it.
We Don't Replace Your Front End
We supplement it!1) With a great Dashboard.
2) A Timeline view of all of your important systems.
3) A Grid View of all your important systems (picture below).
4) Reporting on events.*
5) Historical trending.*And it lives on an app📱for access anywhere / anytime.No IT approval required.
We're One Step Ahead of You
(and the hackers)
We do this all securely.
Our systems are designed with your data safety in mind. We utilize one-way data flows (so your BAS isn't ever at risk). Plus we use globally accepted protocols that meet the standards of IT departments worldwide.
Check Out Our Demo Site
It's like free samples at the grocery - who is opposed to that?!Our 'No Sign-Up' demo app shows 3 boilers, 3 chillers & 3 AHUs that update in real time to (created) events.This could be your building in your own app next!
About Us
We are former engineers
Who thought of a solution and are bringing it to the world.
I'm interested in having my building have it's own app/dashboards.